Located in the north of the Cévennes, on the borders of Ardèche and Haute-Loire, the Mont-Mézenc overhangs the bluish hills of Vivarais and the Cévenol country. Far in the west, across the basin of Le-Puy-en-Velay, the Cantal mounts and in the east, the Alps. In this wild mountains landscape, along a clear water brook is, embowered in the end of August heather, the farm of Matagot. It is here that meet again each year jazzmen and music enthusiasts. The masonry left its barn to the solitary grand piano. Then the gates open on the mountain and enter, with their talents, their instruments and their merriment all those who will enchant the place during a week. Novice trainees, advanced trainees, musicians [signification] or from beyond the seas, every one will be warmed by the cordial atmosphere of these days. During the week the training course is organised with professional musicians of international fame. Work is done by separate workshops the morning (saxophonists, pianists, bass players...) and together the afternoon. Resumption after the evening meal. Several musicians having taught here said that jazz is practised 24 h/24 H.