The meals are prepared in the ancient kitchen, around a big chimney appreciated for the evening. The cooking is vegetation and there is great use of vegetables and fruits organic from our gardens. The workshops' masters and musicians invited live in the house. The trainees can come with their tent or caravan and take place in the field close to the house (free). They can as well book a room or holiday cottage, if they contact as quickly as possible the office tourism in Les Estables (foreign country, tel: 00 33 4 71 08 31 08; France, tel: 04 71 08 31 08), or ask us. This year, the course takes place from Monday 16th of august to Saturday 21st of august. It's desirable to arrive the Sunday afternoon to make contacts and settle in.

The course ends by a concert at the end of the week, the Saturday afternoon. The price of the stage is 2 400FF: this includes the classes, 3 meals per day and tickets to the concert on Saturday 19th of august.


Concerts on saturday, 19th of August 2000 at Matagot :

4H30 PM,
le concert du stage

8H30 PM,
Eric Le Lann (tp)
Michel Graillier (p)

10H30 PM,
Ricky Ford (ts)
James Lewis (b)
Carlos McKinney (p)
Ali Jackson (drs)

Informations :

Chloé Valois
43430 Chaudeyrolles
Tel :